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cognate object是什么意思

发布时间:2020-12-03 作者: 英语查

cognate object 是什么意思


[accusative] 【语法】同义受辞〔例:tell a tale 中的 tale〕。
cognate:    adj. 1.同族的;【法律】女系亲戚的,母族的。 2. ...
object:    n. 1. 物,物体,物件。 2.目标 (of; for ...
In linguistics, a cognate object (or cognate accusative) is a verb's object that is etymologically related to the verb. More specifically, the verb is one that is ordinarily intransitive (lacking any object), and the cognate object is simply the verb's noun form.

上一篇: cognomen是什么意思

下一篇: cogitable是什么意思
